Oberly Inclined Amy's Adelina - EX 90 EEVE
April 20, 2018
Adelina is the reigning queen here at Poppy's Pride. Not just because of her show ring success, but her regal attitude. She is a pending Champion and she was appraised at EX90 EEVE
2022 (4 y/o) accolades include:
9th at the 2022 ADGA National Show
GC Maryland State Fair Open Show
2021 (3 y/o) accolades include:
BDIS Maryland State Fair 4-H Show
GC Maryland State Fair Open Show
2020 (FF 2 y/o) Highlights:
GC Maryland State Fair Youth Show
JC/RJC MDGA Summer Show
Adelina is due 4/6/23 to Ober-Boerd Rum Runner
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IMG_2264L-R: Kiara, Davina, Sunshine, Adelina |
Rossignol JA Sunshine - VG 87 +V+E
May 16, 2018
Sunshine was the 1st place Junior Yearling at the 2019 ADGA National Show in Redmond. Her dam is Sweet Nightingale Someday - VG 89. Someday was the 3rd place 2 year old at the 2019 National Show. Her sire is Sweet Nightingale Apollo (an AI son of SGCH Tonka-Tails Court Jester ++*B).
Sunshine's greatest strength is in the tank. She is our highest producing doe and has filled our freezer with colostrum time and again. Her dark bay color makes her a standout doe in the herd and that color transmits to her kids.
The breeding that produced Poppy's Pride AH Sheri, Reserve Jr. Champion of the Maryland State Fair Open Show was repeated for 2023 kids. Sunshine is bred to Poppy's Pride Ace High and is due 3/14/23
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Sweet Nightingale DB Davina - VG 86 VVVV
March 20, 2019
Davina is the longest doe in the herd and is definitely a Mommy's girl.
Davina is bred to Poppy's Pride Ace High for 4/5/23 kids
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Ober-Boerd Kiara - VG 84 +++V
March 14, 2020
Kiara came to us as a kid when we had an "all buck" year. Coming fresh for the first time as a 2 year old, she has a ways to mature, but we are confident in her pedigree and how she held herself this year to know that nothing but great things will come from this doe.
2022 Accolades:
RCh Maryland State Fair 4-H Show
Kiara is bred to Poppy's Pride Ace High for 3/11/23 kids
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Moving On Up!!!
Junior Does Bred for 2023
We have 4 junior does bred for 2023 kids, including our first two homebred does, Poppy's Pride MM Darcy and Poppy's Pride WC Skyler. Our 2 Alpines are also bred for 2023 kids!
Adelina-a |
Adelina2-b |
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IMG_2264L-R: Kiara, Davina, Sunshine, Adelina |
Senior Does
Our Queen and Her Court